Grade Ranges are used by Grade Book to convert numerical averages to letter grades. For example, if the student has an average of 84 that might translate to a B. Some schools use only numerical grades while others use letter grades (A+ through F). The grade book accommodates both letter and number grades. Based on your configuration, the program sends only letter grades or only number grades when grades are exported to the Grade Reporting program.
The Grade Ranges table is also used by the Grade Reporting program when printing Teacher Grades Statistics and Department Grade Statistics for schools that report number grades. Both reports indicate the number of A's, B's, C's, etc. given either by a Teacher or a Department. If your school gives number grades, grade ranges are used as the translation to letter grades.
In addition to the grade ranges set out on this screen you may have special grades that you have added to your system. Typically schools will have an I for Incompletes, a P for Pass, a WD for Withdrawn, etc. Those grades are not included in the grade ranges screen. When one of them is typed into the grade book the program automatically populates both the letter and the number field with the appropriate symbol. The program verifies that the symbol is a valid grade by checking the list of grades defined in Setup-Grades-Definitions-Grade Definitions. If the program is not connected to the network, a list of valid grades is stored in the stand alone file.
A default set of grade ranges is shipped with your Grade Reporting system.
When grade books are configured at the beginning of the school year, these ranges get passed along to each grade book. Teachers may modify the ranges in their own grade book, though it is recommended to work closely with administration with any such changes. Changes that need to be made during the year can also be made under the Setup menu, and applied to individual grade books using the Apply to Grade Book box.
See Also