- Click on the Tools Menu and
select Global.
- Click on the Global Menu and
select Assign District ID.
- Click on the arrow in the Value 1
field and select the database field containing your School ID.
If your School ID is in a
Descriptive Category: Select the appropropriate Category.
If your School ID is in a User
Defined field: Select the appropriate User Defined field.
If your School ID is not stored in
the system: Select Enter School ID and type the appropriate
series of numbers or letters.
- Click in the Value 2 field
and select either year of graduation or Enter Value.
If you choose Year of Graduation,
the program adds each students year of graduation to the
School ID.
If you choose Enter Value,
the program adds whatever value you type to the School ID.
- Value 3 is the students
system ID and cannot be modified.
- In the Student Option
section of the window you must choose the group of students to which
you wish to assign District IDs.
If you selected Single Student,
click in the Enter Student ID field and enter the System ID number
of the student to be assigned.
If you selected List Of Students,
click in the Multiple Student IDs field and type the list of student
IDs separated by commas ( i.e. 4, 27, 53, 22 ).
If you selected Year of Graduation,
choose the appropriate Year of Graduation to be assigned.
If you selected Homeroom,
click in the Homeroom field and choose a homeroom from the list.
If you selected All Students
you do not need to provide any additional information.
- The Overwrite Existing ID
check box allows you to generate new IDs for everyone in the selected
group. Leave this box blank if you only want to assign IDs to
students who have no District ID.
- The Pad option allows you to
add zeros as the ID is created to ensure that all IDs are the same
length. If you select the Pad option you must indicate the length or
number of characters required for each ID.
- Click OK to begin assigning.