Main Window | |
Course ID |
System generated ID number. This number cannot be edited. |
Course Number |
Number of course being tracked in your system. Course numbers are used to search for courses, to add courses to report cards, teacher grade books and schedules, and to enter class cuts. |
Course Name |
Name of a course being tracked in your system. This field can be modified at any time. |
Department |
Indicates the department to which a course is assigned. Possible departments include: Study Hall, Lunch, Resource, English, History, Mathematics, Science, Language, Business, Industrial Arts, Home Economics, Art, Phys. Ed., Music, Special/Other. Departments affect priority when scheduling. Departments are also used to aggregate credits on Transcripts. |
Active/Inactive |
This field is used throughout the program to indicate whether the selected item is active or inactive. A check mark indicates that the item is active. Items that are inactive do not appear on reports. |
Calculation Info Tab |
Course Credit |
Total credit earned for completing this course. Credit is awarded when a student receives either a final grade or a semester grade (depending on the options selected by the user in the Grade Reporting setup windows). Note: If you change credit value for a course or update the Include in Transcript check box, it is recommended that you copy those changes to your report cards using the update tool. See Update Report Card Course Data. |
Credit Per Grading Period |
Credit per grading period is used as a multiplier when calculating Honor Roll, Term GPA and Term Averages. For a full year course worth one credit at a four term school, the credit per grading period would be .25. |
Track |
There are up to 6 user configurable tracks in web2school. Track values are used when calculating cumulative GPA/QPA. Each track has a numerical value that is either multiplied by or added to the value of a grade to give more or less weight to courses. For example, a College Preparatory course might be assigned to a track with a value of 1.10. A shop class might be assigned a value of .95. When GPAs or QPAs are calculated students with College Preparatory classes would end up with a higher GPA/QPA. |
Include In Honor Roll |
Indicates whether or not grades for this course should be included in Honor Roll calculations. |
Include In GPA |
Indicates whether or not grades for this course should be included in GPA/QPA calculations. |
Include In Transcript |
Indicates whether or not this course and the grades associated with that course should be included in Student Transcripts. Note: If you include a course in GPA, it is recommended that you also include it in transcript. Courses not included in transcript are not part of the cumulative GPA in future years. |
Notes |
There is a Notes field associated with each course in the course database. You can type in any additional information about the course for your records. |
Pre-Requisites Tab |
Groups |
Courses can have a variety of pre-requisites. Users can create groups of pre-requisites and indicate the number of courses within the group that are required. |
Require |
Number of courses within the selected group that are required. |
Classes |
Courses contained in the selected group. The number of courses within the list that are required is indicated in the Require field. |
Schedule Tab |
Section |
Instance of the selected course. |
Periods/Days |
Period or block of the day that the selected course/section meets. Days of the week that the course meets. |
Terms |
Quarters or terms of the year that the selected course/section meets. |
Room |
Room in which the selected course/section meets. |
Teacher |
Teacher teaching the selected course/section. |
Enrollment |
Number of students enrolled in the selected course/section. |
State Info Tab |
State Course Number |
This field is optional. If your state requires that you use a special set of course numbers, you can associate a state course number with the selected course number using this field. When printing transcripts you can opt to print using state information. |
State Course Name |
This field is optional. If your state requires that you use a special set of course names, you can associate a state course name with the selected course using this field. When printing transcripts you can opt to print using state information instead of your internal course information. |
State Department |
This field is optional. If your state requires that you use a special set of course numbers, you can associate a state course number with the selected course number using this field. When printing transcripts you can opt to print using state information. |
Include In Transcript |
Indicates whether or not this course and the grades associated with that course should be included in Student Transcripts. |
See Also