Infraction Information Window - Field Definitions

Infraction Information Window

Field Definitions


Opens the Add Discipline Incident window.


Opens the infraction selected in the search window so it can be modified.


Deletes the infraction selected in the search window.

Search By

Start Date

The first date of the date range for your search.

End Date

The end date of the date range for your search.


Controls the data used to search for one or more disciplinary incidents. If you leave the field set to All, the program displays all infractions within the selected date range. In addition you can search for discipline data by Student Name, System ID, Infraction Name, Instance number, Time, Place, Administrator, Teacher, Pending, Closed, Motivation or Admin Action. These options require that you either type or select additional data in the Value field to limit the search.


Based on the search selected in Field you must enter additional data in the Value field. For example, if Field says Infraction then in the Value field you must select the name of the infraction for which you are searching (i.e. Fighting).

Sort By

Controls the order in which the discipline records are displayed. Options include: Student, Date, Instance, Infraction, Time, Place, Pending and Closed.

Student Infraction Information


Name and ID number of the student who commited the infraction.


Date the infraction occurred.


Indicates the number of the incident. More than one infraction and/or student could have the same incident number, indicating that all were part of the same incident.


Name of the infraction committed.


Time the infraction occurred.


Place the infraction occurred.


This field is used to indicate that an infraction has been entered but has not been edited by the recipient. For example, a teacher might send a student to the office for fighting in class. That teacher could enter the infraction in the database and mark it as pending. The administrator receiving the student would search for Pending items, open up the infraction record and edit it with the Action Taken.


Indicates that an infraction record is closed or has been completed. This would indicate that all of the necessary data has been entered and that the student has fulfilled whatever the agreed upon consequences are.