This window allows you to create grade books for selected teachers. In order to create a grade book for a teacher, the teacher must exist in Personnel with his/her faculty check box checked and must have a user name and password.
When Grade Books are created the program checks to see if the selected teachers have a schedule. If the teacher(s) have schedules the grade book program imports course, section, and class rosters from the Scheduling System. If the teachers do not have schedules or you do not own the Scheduling system, the program creates an empty grade book for each teacher and allows you to add courses from your course catalog and students from your student database. Each year you must create new grade books. Previous grade books remain in the year in which they were created.
The Status column can have one of three pieces of data. Yes means a grade book exists for this teacher. Making additional grade books will not overwrite grade books labeled Yes. If it says No, no grade book has been created for this teacher. New means it will create a grade book for that teacher when the OK button is clicked.
If you have a teacher labeled Yes for whom you wish to create a new grade book, you must delete his/her grade book first. See Delete Grade Book in Chapter 4 for further instructions.