- Click on the AdministrationMenu
and select Teacher Desk.
- If you are an administrator, click on the arrow in the Teacher
field and select the teacher whose grade book you wish to
access. If you are a teacher, your name should be displayed in
the Teacher field and your courses will be listed.
- Click once to highlight the course for which you are editing calculations.
- Click the Calculations button
on the left of the window to display the Grade
Book Calculations By Course window.
Note: You do not have to use all of the calculations. You can do
Semester 1 only or Semester 2 only or Final Grade only or any combination.
- To enter or modify a calculation
for Semester 1: click on the Semester
1 check box to mark it with a checkmark.
- Click the Edit button to
display the Semester 1 Calculation window.
- In the Grade column click
the arrow in the drop-down list to select the grades to be included
in this calculation. You can select one of the following: Term
Averages, Midterm Exam, Final Exam and/or Custom Exam.
Note: If you are a four term school Term Averages would be the Term 1
and Term 2 grades. If you are a 6 term school, Term Averages would be
the Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 grades.
- Once you have selected an option, such as Term Averages, click in the %
field and indicate the percentage of the semester grade that will be
represented by the selected grade. For example, you might put 80
percent of the grade is Term Averages and on the next line put 20
percent of the grade is Midterm Exam.
- Continue adding items in the Grade
and Percent columns until
you have included all of the items that are appropriate. You do not
have to use all of the grade types for this calculation.
- To enter or modify a calculation
for Semester 2: click on the Semester
2 check box to mark it with a checkmark.
- Click the Edit button to
display the Semester 2 Calculation window.
- In the Grade column click
the arrow in the drop-down list to select the grades to be included
in this calculation. You can select one of the following: Term
Averages, Midterm Exam, Final Exam and/or Custom Exam.
Note: If you are a four term school Term Averages would be the Term 3
and Term 4 grades. If you are a 6 term school, Term Averages would be
the Term 4, Term 5 and Term 6 grades.
- Once you have selected an option, such as Term Averages, click in the
% field and indicate the percentage of the semester grade that will
be represented by the selected grade. For example, you might put 80
percent of the grade is Term Averages and on the next line put 20
percent of the grade is Midterm Exam.
- Continue adding items in the Grade and Percent columns until you have
included all of the items that are appropriate. You do not have to
use all of the grade types for this calculation.
- To enter a calculation for Final
Grade: click on the Final Grade
check box to mark it with a checkmark.
- Click the Edit button to
display the Final Grade Calculation window.
- In the Grade column click
the arrow in the drop-down list to select the grades to be included
in this calculation. You can select one of the following: Term
Averages, Semester 1 Average, Semester 2 Average, Midterm Exam, Final
Exam and/or Custom Exam.
- Once you have selected an option, such as Term Averages, click in the
% field and indicate the percentage of the semester grade that will
be represented by the selected grade. For example, you might put 80
percent of the grade is Term Averages and on the next line put 20
percent of the grade is Midterm Exam.
- Continue adding items in the Grade and Percent columns until you have
included all of the items that are appropriate. You do not have to
use all of the grade types for this calculation.
Note: We do not recommend using the same items in two calculations.
For example, if you use Mid-term exam in the Semester 1 calculation,
you should not use it in the Semester 2 calculation.
- Click the Use Total Points box if you would like to have the calculation ignore weights that have been given to assignment types.
- Once you have set up one or more calculations, click OK
on the calculations window to save.