Grade Book - View Class Rosters

This option on the Configure Course Information window allows a teacher to view and print class rosters. These class rosters are pulled from the Master Schedule, not from the grade book itself. Therefore, if you have added classes directly to a grade book those rosters will not be displayed. If you do not have the Scheduling program, you will not be able to view/print rosters using this option.

  1. Click on the AdministrationMenu and select Grade Book.
  2. From the Grade Book Menu select Configure Course Information.
  3. If you are an administrator, click on the arrow in the Teacher field and select the teacher whose grade book you wish to access. If you are a teacher, your information should be displayed in the Configure Course Information window.
  4. Click the View Class Rosters button.
  5. Class rosters are displayed in a viewer. To print them select File-Print.

See Also

Configure Course Information