- Click Administration -> Health Desk. Enter any Search criteria for the student or group of students, and click Get List to display a list of students.
- Click once on the student name, then click Screenings, or click directly on Hearing. Screenings already entered for this student will display.
- To Add Hearing Screenings:
- Click the Add button to display the Add Hearing Screening Information window.
- Click in the Date field and enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click on the three-dot button to select the date from the calendar displayed.
- Enter the results of the Right and Left Ear tests, such as Pass. (20 character limit)
- If the student was wearing a Hearing Aid for the test, click the appropriate box.
- If a Referral was sent home to the guardian, click the appropriate box.
- If there was a Response to the refereral from a guardian, click the appropriate box.
- Click in the Notes field and enter any additional information. (254 character limit)
- Click OK to add the screening to the student’s list or you may Cancel your edits.
- To Modify Hearing Screenings:
- Click on the screening you wish to modify. (A double-click will open the Modify window.)
- Click the Modify button to display the Modify Hearing Screening Information window. All information in this window can be modified as needed.
- To edit the Date field, enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click on the three-dot button to select the date from the calendar displayed.
- Enter the results of the Right and Left Ear tests, such as Pass. (20 character limit)
- If the student was wearing a Hearing Aid for the test, click the appropriate box.
- If a Referral was sent home to the guardian, click the appropriate box.
- If there was a Response to the refereral from a guardian, click the appropriate box.
- Click in the Notes field and enter any additional information. (254 character limit)
- Click OK to add the modification to the student’s list or you may Cancel your edits.
- To Delete Hearing Screenings:
Click on the screening you wish you delete.
Click the Delete button.
You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete. Click Yes or No.
- You may click on Next Student or Previous Student to modify other student screening information or click Close.