Build Student Roster

  1. Click on the Administration Menu and select Scheduling.
  2. From the Scheduling Menu select Student Roster.
  3. The Student Roster Search window is displayed. This window allows you to select the course and section to which you wish to add students.
  4. In the Search By section click on the drop down arrow and select your search method: Course Name, Course Number, Department or Inactive. If you picked Name you can either enter the course name or you can leave the field blank to get all courses in the database. If you picked any other option you must enter data into the Value field (i.e. Course Number 101).
  5. Once the appropriate courses are displayed, double-click on the course/section desired or select the course/section and click the Student Roster button to open the roster window.
  6. Students can be added to Rosters individually, by Homeroom, by year of graduation, by descriptive category, by course or by period.
  7. Click the Select By field and choose Student, Homeroom, Year of Graduation, Category, Course or Period.
  8. If you chose Student, you can type in the Student ID numbers pressing Enter after each one or select students from a list clicking the right arrow after each one. As students are selected, the roster is built on the right side.
  9. To Type Student ID Numbers: Click on Enter Student ID & Enter to mark it with a dot. Type one ID number and press Enter on your keyboard. Type the next ID number and press Enter on your keyboard. As students are added their names are displayed in the list on the right.
  10. To Select Students: Click on Select Students to mark it with a dot. Click on a Student in the list displayed and click the right arrow on the screen to move the student to the list. Continue adding until all students have been entered.
  11. To Type Homeroom Numbers: Click on Enter Homeroom & Enter to mark it with a dot. Type one Homeroom number and press Enter on your keyboard. Students in that homeroom are added to the list displayed on the right.
  12. To Select Homerooms: Click on Select Homerooms to mark it with a dot. Click on a Homeroom in the list displayed and click the right arrow on the screen to move the list of students in that homeroom to the field on the right.
  13. To Type Year of Graduation: Click on Enter YOG & Enter to mark it with a dot. Type one Year of Graduation (i.e. 2012) and press Enter on your keyboard. Students in that year of graduation are added to the list displayed on the right.
  14. To Select Year of Graduation: Click on Select Yogs to mark it with a dot. Click on a Year of Graduation in the list displayed and click the right arrow on the screen to move the list of students in that year of graduation to the field on the right.
  15. To Select Students by Category: Click in the Select Category field and choose a category from the list. In the Select Sub-Category field choose the sub-category and click the right arrow on the screen. Students assigned to that sub-category are displayed in the list on the right.
  16. To Select Students by Course: In the Select Courses field choose the appropriate Course/Section and click the right arrow on the screen. Students enrolled in the selected course are displayed in the list on the right.
  17. To Select Students by Period: Click in the Period field and type the appropriate period or periods and click the Enter button. The program displays a list of all courses/sections that meet during that period. In the Select Courses field choose the appropriate Course/Section and click the right arrow on the screen. Students enrolled in the selected course are displayed in the list on the right.
  18. To print the roster, click View Text and then select File-Print.
  19. To include inactive students, click the Include Inactive check box at the bottom of the window.
  20. Click OK at the bottom of the window to add this class to the selected students’ schedules.