Configure Class Attendance


Field Definition

Update Daily Attendance With Class Attendance Automatically

Removes the Period Value entered on this screen from the Daily Attendance Value the student has for the day. For example, if a student is set to Present for the day (attendance value of 1.00) and he cuts two class periods [value of . 25 or (2 X .125)], then his Present attendance value for the day would be .75 instead of 1.0. His Absent attendance value for the day would be .25 instead of 0.

Do Not Update Daily Attendance With Class Attendance Automatically

Allows you to track class cuts without affecting daily attendance at all. Class cuts will be recorded and totaled. Reports can still be printed for class cuts. Daily attendance values will not be modified based on class cuts. However, previously entered class cuts for the selected day will be deleted when a student is marked absent.

For example, a student is marked as cut for Period 1. Then, that student's parent calls the school to say the student will be absent. Under Daily Attendance, when the student is marked absent, the first period cut is removed.

Do Not Update Class Attendance With Daily Attendance Automatically

Allows you to track both daily attendance and class attendance without either one affecting the other. You can mark a student with cuts for each period of the day and also mark that student as absent under daily attendance.

Note: This option stops the program from displaying the message "Class Cuts for Absent Students will Be Removed" when you are doing Daily Attendance.

Enable Option For Updating Daily Attendance From Class Attendance

Allows the display of option under Class Attendance that gives teachers the ability to update Daily Attendance based on Class Attendance for a period. The administrator will determine for which period this option is available to teachers.

Use with caution. This is intended for schools that take both daily and class attendance during the same period.

When Class Cut Value is Greater Than...

This option on the Configure Class Attendance window allows you to change students' daily attendance categories based on the number of Class Cuts a student has received. For example, if you configure the threshold at .5, when a student has received enough cuts to exceed a value of .5 his attendance category is changed to the category selected on the Configuration window. Daily Attendance Categories for students with a cut value of less than .5 would be unaffected.

It is recommended that you create a special attendance category for this situation, such as Cuts Absent. This would allow you to see at a glance that the student was marked absent based on cuts, not based on being truly absent.

Note: The threshold value entered for this option must be 1.0 or less.

See Also

Class Attendance