Remove Class Cuts By Roster

  1. Click on the Administration Menu and select Attendance.
  2. Click on the Attendance Menu and select Class Attendance to display the View/Modify Class Attendance Window.
  3. Select the appropriate teacher from the drop-down list in the Teacher field. If you are a teacher, your name and ID should be displayed in the Teacher field.
  4. The Date field defaults to today's date. If that is not correct, either type in the appropriate date or select a different date using the calendar button on the right.
  5. Click Get List to display the selected teacher's schedule.
  6. To Sort the List: Click in the Sort By field and select either Course, Period, Terms or Room.
  7. Click on the Course/Section for which you are removing class attendance and then click the Modify Class Cuts button.
  8. The second window is displayed with a list of students enrolled in the selected class.
  9. Scroll down the window and click on the Cut check box to remove the check mark for the appropriate student(s).
  10. If you are using attendance categories for cuts, click on the category to display the list and select the blank at the top of the list.
  11. Click OK to save your changes and close the window.
  12. Click Close on the next window to exit Class Cuts.

See Also

Update Class Attendance