The View/Modify Class Attendance window allows you to track when students skip classes. In its simplest form, the teacher displays a roster of students and puts a check mark next to the name of each student who is not in class.
There is a more detailed option available that entails assigning an attendance category indicating the student's status. A student who is in class would be left blank. Other students could be marked Absent, Tardy, Dismissed, Late to Class, Field Trip, etc. The option to use or not use attendance categories is controled by selecting Setup-Attendance-Categories and indicating which daily attendance categories should also be used for class attendance.
Note: The system may not accept cuts for all students. It will reject cuts for students that are not enrolled on the date selected, students that have a daily attendance category with a value of 0 or students that have a list of periods for which to ignore cuts associated with their daily attendance category.
If you have a master schedule, you will first choose the teacher and display his or her schedule. When you select a course from the teacher schedule and click Modify Class Cuts, the second screen allows you to enter cuts or an attendance category.
If you do not have a Master Schedule, you will only see the second window where you must indicate the teacher, course, section and period for which you are entering cuts.
Class Attendance By Student may be updated from the Administration menu.
Class Attendance may also be updated from within the Student's Information window Attendance tab. See Class Attendance from Student Information.
Note: When a Teacher is logged onto the system he can only see his own students.
Enter Class Cuts Based On Teacher Schedules/Rosters
Enter Class Attendance Using Attendance Categories