- Click on the Administration Menu
and select Attendance.
- Click on the Attendance Menu
and select Class Attendance to display
the View/Modify Class Attendance Window.
- Select the appropriate teacher from the drop-down list in the Teacher field.
- Click on the arrow in the Course
field and select the Course for which you are entering cuts.
- Click on the Sec field and
select the appropriate section of the course.
- Click on the Period field
and select the period for which you are entering cuts.
- The Date field defaults to
today's date. If that is not correct, either type in the appropriate
date or select a different date using the calendar button on the right.
- The items in the Search By
section are optional. They allow you to filter students displayed in
the window. You can search by Name, System ID, Homeroom or Year of
Graduation. Students can be sorted by Name or By System ID, based on
the selection in the Sort By field. Click Get
List to update your list of students.
- If you use Class Attendance categories (indicates specific class attendance such as absent or tardy),scroll down the window and click on the Class field. Select the appropriate category. In the Notes field, enter any additional information about class attendance. The Daily Att column displays the student’s daily attendance category. The Enrolled field indicates whether or not the student has an Entry Date in the attendance system. The Daily Attendance Tab allows you to view additional details such as the times and reason for a dismissal or a tardy.
You can delete a class attendance category by clicking in the Class field, then selecting the blank entry at the top of the dropdown list.
Class attendance categories can also be modified from the Student Information window.
- If you do not use Class Attendance categories, but track only cut/no cut, scroll down the window and click on the Cut check box to add or remove a checkmark. A checkmark indicates that a student is not in class.
The Attnd column displays the student's daily attendance category.
The Times column indicates tardy and dismissed times.
The Reason column displays any notes entered with Daily Attendance.
The Enrolled field indicates whether or not the student has an Entry Date in the attendance system.
The Ignore Periods field displays periods for which the student should not have a cut because they are excused from school.
- Previous Date and Next Date buttons allow you to view/modify attendance for other days.
- Click OK to save your
changes and close the window.