Personnel - Field Definitions

Note: Any user with View permissions for Personnel can see all fields on the Personnel Tabs. You may prefer not to enter some information since it can be viewed by many users.


Main Window

System ID number assigned to this person. IDs are automatically assigned and cannot be modified.


Personnel Title

First Name

Person's first name. Note that full teacher/faculty names are printed on report cards, progress reports and schedules. You may prefer not to enter teacher's first names to prevent this.

Middle Name

Person's middle name.

Last Name

Person's last name.


People in Personnel cannot be deleted, only marked Inactive.

Personnel General Tab


Indicates whether this person is a faculty member (teacher). This must be checked for the user to display in scheduling, grade reporting, grade book, discipline, class attendance, and add/modify user windows.


Indicates to the system that this person is an administrator and should not be included in the teaching staff for the master schedule, grade reporting and grade books. When someone is added to personnel, if they are designated as an administrator they are immediately added as a potential user of the system.

Add/Edit User If the user is checked on the left, the Add or Edit User button becomes activated. This button opens the permissions window and allows permissions to be set, along with a username and password.
Gender Select either M or F
Show Picture  

Job Title

Contains the selected person's title in the Personnel Database. This field is limited to 20 characters.


Indicates the department to which a teacher is assigned. Possible departments include: Study Hall, Lunch, Resource, English, History, Mathematics, Science, Language, Business, Industrial Arts, Home Economics, Art, Phys. Ed., Music, Special/Other.

Certification Type and Date If any type of certification is required for this person, you can record the type and date completed here. The maximum number of characters for the Type field is 20 and for the Date field is 15.

District Entry

Indicates the date this person began working in the district.

Building Entry

Indicates the date this person began working in the building.

Social Security Number

Person's social security number.

Note: You may prefer not to enter this information. Any user who has view permissions for Personnel can see all fields on the General Tab.

Date Of Birth

Person's date of birth. Must be in mm/dd/yyyy format.

Show Picture

This button is used to display a picture of the selected Personnel. Note: Pictures of personnel must be stored under the web2school/server/photos/current year/personnel folder..This folder gets created if it does not exist when you click Show Picture. Pictures must be in a JPEG format (*.jpg) and must be titled using the personnel System ID. For example, a teacher with ID number 57 would have a picture stored as 57.jpg.

User-Defined Categories

Contains 10 fields in which you can store additional data.

Personnel Address Tab


Current address.

Telephone Numbers

This section allows you to enter multiple telephone numbers for the selected staff member. Using the description field you can indicate whether the number is for home, cell phone, office, pager etc.

E-mail Address

Staff e-mail address.


Allows you to store additional information about this staff member.

Personnel Attendance Tab

Current Status

Indicates this persons attendance status for today.


Calendar to which this person is assigned.


Date of Entry or Withdrawal


Indicates whether the date is an entry or withdrawal date.

Enrolled In School

First day the teacher attended this school ever.

Enrolled In District

First day the teacher attended this school district ever.

Daily Attendance Button

Displays this person's attendance from the first day of school through today.

Total Membership

Total number of days this person was enrolled in school based on their entry date.

Total Present

Each day in the calendar has a value of either 1 or .5. When a teacher is marked Present the value for the day is tallied. Any daily attendance category that has a value greater than zero increments the teacher's total present value. This field indicates the total present value for a this person.

Present value is calculated using the value of the day (either 1 or .5) and the value of the attendance category. For example, the category Present All Day has a value of 1. A person assigned that category would have a present value of 1 and an absent value of 0. If the school day is a half day, then the person would have a present value of .5 and an absent value of 0. The combination of absent value and present value must add up to the value of the calendar day.

Total Absent

Indicates the total absent value for this person. Absent value is calculated using the value of the day (either 1 or .5) and the value of the attendance category. For example, the category Absent All Day has a value of 0. A person assigned that category would have a present value of 0 and an absent value of 1. The combination of absent value and present value must add up to the value of the calendar day.


Indicates the number of times the person has been marked Tardy. Any other category that is listed as a Tardy type would increment this number also. For example, if you have a category named Tardy/Dismissed and it is set as both a Tardy type and a Dismissed type, the category would count as one occurrence of tardy and once occurrence of dismissed. The present value for the day would be added to the Total Present field.


Indicates the number of times the person has been marked Dismissed. Any other category that is listed as a Dismissed type would increment this number also. For example, if you have a category named Tardy/Dismissed and it is set as both a Tardy type and a Dismissed type, the category would count as one occurrence of tardy and once occurrence of dismissed. The present value for the day would be added to the Total Present field.

Daily Attendance Button

Displays attendance from the first day of school through today.

Personnel Schedule Tab

Teacher Schedule

Displays a teacher's schedule in order by course and section number. Personnel that is not included in the master schedule will not have any data on this window.

Personnel Homeroom Tab


Homeroom name or number that corresponds to this staff member. This field provides a link between a teacher and his/her students. Teachers can only see students in their homeroom, in their schedule or in their grade book.


Student ID numbers of the students in this staff member's homeroom.

Student Name

Names of the students in the selected homeroom.


Guardian 1 information for the students in the selected homeroom.


First phone number for the primary guardian for the students in the selected homeroom.