Searching For Courses
- Click on the Administration
menu and select Courses to
display the Course Search Window.
- In the Search By field click
on the arrow to display the
list of Search By items. Click on the data by which you would like to
select courses.
- If you search by Name, type
a name or portion of a name in the Value
field and click Get List to
display the appropriate courses. Or, leave the Value
field blank and click Get List
to get all courses in the database excluding inactive courses.
- If you select ID type the
appropriate ID and click Get List
to display the Course.
- If you select Course Number
type the appropriate Number and click Get
List to display the Course.
- If you select Department,
type the appropriate Department name in the Value
field. Click Get List to
display the list of courses in that Department.
- The list of courses can be resorted by clicking on the column
headings. For example, if you click the Name heading, courses are
resorted alphabetically.
- Once the appropriate list of courses is displayed, double-click on a
course to bring up the Course Information window. You can also select
a course and click Modify to
bring up the Course Information Window.
- If you are editing a large group of courses, you can close the Course
Information Window and select a new course to edit from the list in
the Search Window. You can open multiple Course Information windows.
(Up to 10 windows total including the Search window).
- You can add new courses by clicking the Add
menu without doing a search.
- You can delete courses by clicking on a name to select it and then
clicking on Delete at the
top of the window.
Note: It is recommended that you go to the Course Information window
for that course and make it inactive rather than delete the entire record.
See Also
Course Information Window
Add A Course