- Click on the Setup Menu and
select Calendar. Make sure you are in the correct year.
- When the Configure Calendars screen is
displayed, click the Add
button at the top of the screen. The Add Calendar Information window is displayed.
- Click in the Calendar Name
field and type the name of this calendar (i.e. Kindergartners, Senior
Class, Teachers, etc.)
- Click the Add button at the
top of the window. The Add Days
window is displayed.
- Click in the Start Date
field and type the date of the first day of school in the format
mm/dd/yyyy, or click the button on the right and use the calendar
displayed to select the appropriate date.
Note: Once you have saved a Calendar the Starting Date or first day
of school cannot be changed.
- Click in the End Date field
and type the date of the last day of school in the format mm/dd/yyyy,
or click the button on the right and use the calendar displayed to
select the appropriate date.
- When the Start and End Date fields are filled, click OK
to add the days to the calendar. The days in the calendar default to
a value of 1 or whole days. Note: Most states do not use half days with the exception of Kindergarten. In most cases, if students are in your building for at least one period or for lunch, it is counted as a full day. Consult your state regulations concerning half days.
- You now can change the value of days in the calendar. Days in session have a value of 1, half days have a value of .5, and days not in session have a value of 0. Values may be easily changed following the steps below. Or, you may click the Values or Delete buttons at the top of the window as needed.
- To change the value of a single day, right-click on a calendar date, and left-click on the appropriate day value from the pop-up window.
- To change the value of a range of consecutive days:
-Left-click on the starting date of the range.
-Shift left-click on the ending date of the range. The range of days is highlighted.
-Right-click on the range of days. The number of days selected and available types of days display in the pop-up window.
-Left-click on the desired day value.
- To change the value of non-consecutive days:
-Press the Ctrl key together with left-click on each day you want to select. Those days will appear highlighted.
-Right-click while the mouse is on one of the highlighted days. The number of days selected and the available types of days display in the pop-up window.
-Left-click on the desired day value.
- To delete days for holidays or vacations, assign a day value of Not in Session (0).
- To put deleted days back in the calendar
, assign a day value of Full Day (1).
- To add Notes to the calendar, right-click on the day the note will be added to. When the pop-up window appears, left-click on Notes. Type in your notes, then click OK. When you pass the cursor over the date in the calendar, the note will display. Notes will also print when you click View Text from this screen.
- When all of the appropriate days and values are in the calendar, you
should set up your terms. Click on the Terms
button to display the Add/Modify
Term Dates window.
- The program allows you to define starting and ending dates for up to
ten terms. These definitions are used for reports, to determine
grading periods and number of terms for scheduling.
- To define a Term click in
the Start Date field and
type the date of the first day of the term in the format mm/dd/yyyy,
or click the button on the right and use the calendar displayed to
select the appropriate date.
- Click in the End Date field
and type the date of the last of the term in the format mm/dd/yyyy or
click the button on the right and use the calendar displayed to
select the appropriate date.
Note: Term dates cannot overlap. All days in the calendar must be
included in a term. If a term ends on a Friday, the next term must
start on a Saturday even though Saturday is not a school day.
- When you have added the appropriate terms to your calendar,
click OK at the bottom of
the Add/Modify Term Dates window to save.
- Click OK at the bottom of the Add Calendar Information window to save.