- Click on the Setup Menu and
select Calendar.
- When the Configure Calendar screen is displayed, select the calendar to be
modified and click the Modify
button at the top of the screen. The Add/ModifyCalendar
window is displayed.
NOTE: The Starting Date or first day of school cannot
be modified.
Note: Calendar modifications take a long time to save because the
program must update attendance records for each student and/or
teacher assigned to the calendar.
Note: If you reduce the value of a day from a whole day to a half day
or delete a day, class cuts will be lost for that day.
- To Modify Calendar Name:
Click in the Calendar Name
field. Type the new name and click OK.
- To Add Days To the End of the
Calendar: Click the Add button
to open the Modify Days window.
- Click in the End Date field
and type the date of the last day of school in the format mm/dd/yyyy
or click the button on the right and use the calendar displayed to
select the appropriate date.
- This may create a new term, so adjust the term end date as needed.
- To change the value of a range of consecutive days:
-Left-click on the starting date of the range.
-Shift left-click on the ending date of the range. The range of days is highlighted.
-Right-click on the range of days. The number of days selected and available types of days display in the pop-up window.
-Left-click on the desired day value.
- To change the value of non-consecutive days:
-Press the Ctrl key together with left-click on each day you want to select. Those days will appear highlighted.
-Right-click while the mouse is on one of the highlighted days. The number of days selected and the available types of days display in the pop-up window.
-Left-click on the desired day value.
- To delete days for holidays or vacations, assign a day value of Not in Session (0).
- To put deleted days back in the calendar
, assign a day value of Full Day (1).
- To add Notes to the calendar, right-click on the day the note will be added to. When the pop-up window appears, left-click on Notes. Type in your notes, then click OK. When you pass the cursor over the date in the calendar, the note will display. Notes will also print when you click View Text from this screen.
- Click OK at the bottom of the Add/Modify Calendar Information window to save.