Modify A Year

This window allows you to change the grade level of graduating class and their year of graduation for a particular school year. The combination of the Grade Level Of Graduating Class and the Year Of Graduation Of Graduating Class is used by the program when printing reports by grade level and when scheduling groups of students. These numbers indicate what the highest grade level in your school is. The program then counts backwards to determine what the other grade levels are based on those students' years of graduation. For example, if the in the Add or Modify Year window you entered the grade level 12 and the year of graduation 2015 the program would then know that anyone in the class of 2016 is in the 11th grade, anyone in the class of 2017 is in the 10th grade, etc.

  1. Click on the Setup Menu and select Years.
  2. When the Years screen is displayed select the year you wish to modify and click the Modify button at the top of the window.
  3. The program displays the Modify Years window.
  4. Make any changes necessary to the Grade Level or Year of Graduation fields and click OK to save your changes.

See Also
