- Click on the AdministrationMenu
and select Teacher Desk..
- If you are an administrator, click on the arrow in the Teacher field and select the teacher whose grade book you wish to access. If you are a teacher, your name should be displayed in the Teacher Field and your courses will be listed..
- Click the Add button at the
bottom of the window to display the Add
Course window.
- Click in the Course Num
field and select the course to be added. Courses in this list come
from the Course database. If the course needed is not listed, you
must add the course to the main database first. See Add
A Course.
- Click in the Section Number
field and type a number from 1 to 99 for this section. Schools may
teach multiple instances of the same course, such as English 101. The
program requires a section number to make each instance unique.
- Click in the Terms Taught
field and type the terms this course meets. For example, a Semester 1
course would have Terms 1 and 2 and be entered as 12. A full year
course would have 1234. If you are a 6 term school you would type 123
for a Semester 1 course and 123456 for a full year course.
The Terms Taught field is used by the program to determine when to
read final and semester grades. For example, if you ask the program
to send grades to the report card for Term 2, it checks Terms Taught
to see when the course finishes.
If the course ends Term 2 the program sends grades for Term 1, Term
2, Semester 1 Average, Final Grade and any exams that have grades.
If the course ends Term 4 the program sends grades for Term 1, Term
2, Semester 1 Average and any exams that have grades.
- Click in the Link field to create an external reference link for this course. Enter a web address that students can to refer to for assignments, course information, or other some other reference. This link will display when you click on the course in the on-line Student Guardian module.
- Click OK to add the course
to the grade book.
- Once the course has been added to the grade book, you should check the Grade Ranges and Calculations to make sure they are correct. Students should be added to the roster for this course. If you will be entering daily grades, you must create Assignment Types and Assignments for the course.