Modify Master Grade Book Calculations

Note: Modifications to the master set of calculations do not affect existing grade books. They will be added to any new grade books that are created after the change.

  1. Click on the Setup Menu and select Grade Book.
  2. From the Grade Book Menu select Grade Book Calculations.
  3. The program displays the Grade Book Calculations window.
  4. Click in the Department field to select the department for which you would like to modify a calculation. If this change will affect all departments, select all departments.
  5. Note: Previously entered calculations are not displayed when the All Departments option is selected. To update a single calculation for all departments you must re-enter all three calculations. If you leave one empty it will erase that calculation for all departments.

  6. Click the Edit button next to the calculation to be modified. (If you have chosen All Departments you must click the appropriate check box, then click Edit and reenter the entire calculation.)
  7. Edit the calculation as needed and click OK.
  8. Click OK on the Grade Book Calculations to save your changes.

See Also

Grade Book Calculations

Enter Master Grade Book Calculations

Remove Master Grade Book Calculations