Modify Health List Item

Follow the steps below to modify items on the Health Information window.

NOTE: Items that are modified will be modified for all students in the database. For example, if you have an Allergy named Chocolate and you change that to Dark Chocolate, all students who were assigned to Chocolate will now have Dark Chocolate on their health record.

NOTE: You cannot modify case only for a Student Health Information Item. For example, if you have an allergy named PEANUTS, you cannot change that to peanuts, because the software sees these as identical.

  1. Click on Administration -> Health Desk, then click Health Setup.
  2. The Health Information tab displays.
  3. Under Allergies or Medications or Chronic Conditions, click on the item to be modified.
  4. Click the Modify button at the bottom of the list to display the Modify window.
  5. Type the new name of the Item and click OK to save your changes.

See Also

Add Health List Item

Delete Health List Item