Modify Master Schedule Course

  1. Click on the AdministrationMenu and select Scheduling.
  2. From the Scheduling Menu select either Modify Master Schedule (option 1) or Modify Master Schedule (option 2) to display the Modify Master Schedule Window. Option 1 displays multiple courses in a table format. Option 2 displays all information about a single course.
  3. Click in the Select By field to choose your search option. You can search by Course Number, Course Name, Department, All Courses or Period.
  4. If you have selected something other than All, you must enter information into the Value field to select your course. Then, click the Get List button to display the results of your search. You may sort the schedule display by clicking at the top of a column in the schedule. For example, if you click on the top of the Teacher column, all courses will display by teacher alphabetically.
  5. When the list of courses is displayed, click on the course to be modified and click the Modify button.
  6. Modify the data as needed.
  7. Click OK to save your changes.

Note: If you modify the meeting times or days on a course/section, that section remains in the student schedules even though it may create a time conflict. You may want to print a class roster and check the schedules of the enrolled students to make sure they do not have conflicts.

See Also

Modify Master Schedule

Add Course To Master Schedule

Delete Course From Master Schedule