- Click on the Administration Menu
and select Attendance.
- Click on the Attendance Menu
and select Quick - Daily.
- The Date fields default to today's date. To change the date, click in
the Date field and type the
date for which you would like to update attendance in the form
mm/dd/yyyy. You can also click on the button next to the Date field
and select a date from the calendar.
Note: Make sure you are selecting a date that is included in one or
more of the school calendars set up in the Calendar window.
- To update attendance for a single day
make sure that both dates in the Date Range are the same.
- To update attendance for more than
one day make sure that the dates in the Date Range section
represent the dates required.
- Click in the Attendance Category
field and select the appropriate Attendance Category from the drop
down list.
- If you would like to associate a time with the selected category,
click in the Time field and
type the time of entry or dismissal or both. Times can be included on
the Daily Attendance List.
- To enter a reason for the
attendance category, click in the Reason
field and type the information that should be printed on the Daily
Attendance List.
- To enter daily attendance using Student IDs, click the button for Multiple Student IDs Separated by Commas, then click in the field and type the list of student IDs separated by commas ( i.e. 4, 27, 53, 22 ). Be sure there are no spaces at all in the line of IDs.
- To enter quick daily attendance using the advanced student search, click the Advanced button. In the Assign Data To section, select the appropriate option.
- Click Apply to update your
attendance. Students that were selected are listed on there right
after their attendance has been updated.
Note: If you have entered an invalid ID number the program warns you.
Click OK to return to the screen and edit the ID number. If there are
other errors the program updates the attendance and then displays an
error list. See graphic below.