- Click on the AdministrationMenu
and select Students to
display the Student Search Window.
- Search for a student and
click the Modify button at
the top of the window to display the Student
Information Window.
- Click on the General Tab to
select it.
- Click in the Social Security Number
field and type the student's number. Make sure to enter the dashes
between the numbers appropriately (limit 11 characters).
Note: Social Security Number can be hidden based on user permissions.
- If your district has assigned IDs to students, click in the District
ID field and enter this student's ID (limit 32 characters).
- If your state has assigned IDs to students, click in the State
ID field and enter this student's State ID number (limit 12 characters).
- If your school keeps track of student e-mail addresses, click in the E-Mail
field and enter this student's e-mail address (limit 30 characters).
- If your school tracks student birthdays, click in the Date
of Birth field and enter this student's Date of Birth in the
format mm/dd/yyyy.
- Click in the City of Birth
field and type the student's birth city (limit 50 characters).
- Click in the State of Birth
field and type the student's birth state (limit 20 characters).
Note: Many state reports require the use of the two letter state abbreviation.
- Click in the Country of Birth
field and type the student's birth country (limit 20 characters).
Note: Many state reports require the use of the federal two letter
country abbreviation.
- In the Ethnicity section of
this tab you can select one or more Ethnic types for each student by
clicking on the appropriate check boxes to mark them with a check
- Go to the Emergency Contact Information
section and type the Name, Telephone Number and Extension of the
person who should be contacted first in an emergency.
- Click in the Notes field and
enter any notes you would like to keep about this student (limit 254 characters).
- When you have finished entering information in the General
Tab, you can move on to another Tab and continue entering
information or click on OK
to close the window and save your changes.