The Student Information Window contains all of a student's academic, demographic, and medical history in a single location. Basic Student data is stored at the top of the window with more detailed data accessed by the Tabs across the middle. Click on the Tab name to access that information. If a Tab is clicked but does not display, that particular module has not been purchased or you may not have permission for that information.
The student picture will display if it is in JPEG format, named by studentid.jpg (where studentid is the Web2school id), and stored in the folder Web2School\server\photos\currentyear\student (where currentyear is the current graduation year). It is possible to display the students by district ID, but Web2school will need to alter your configuration. Many student photography companies have the means to create files by student ID if provided with the list in advance.
Tabs on the Student Information Window include the following:
Student Information Window Tabs | |