Add A Student

Students may be added to the Web2school database in several ways: by import, by ID or by one-or-many at time. Those students coming from another school using Web2school, such as 5th graders from an elementary school moving up to a middle school, may be exported from the elementary school and imported to the middle school. Students may also be added by ID number.

This section addresses how to add one or more students into the Web2school database with system-assigned Web2school ID numbers. The Add Students window allows you to enter the information required by Web2school to create a record for the student. You may also assign a calendar, entry date, entry code and residency code at the same time, if desired. Note that if you add only one student, as will be typical during the school year, a second Student Information window will display, offering you the option of entering other student information, such as date of birth, ethnicity, and guardians.



See Also

Student Information Window