- Click on the Administration Menu
and select Students to
display the Student Search Window.
- Click the Add button at the
top of the window.to display the Add Students window .
- Click in the First Name
field and type the student's first name. Type the name as you would
like it to appear on reports (limit 32 characters). This field is required. You may Tab, Enter, or Click to the next field.
- Click in the Middle Name
field and type the student's middle name or initial. Type the name as
you would like it to appear on reports (limit 32 characters).
- Click in the Last Name field
and type the student's last name. Type the name as you would like it
to appear on reports (limit 50 characters). This field is required.
- In the Sex
field, enter either M
for male or F for female.
This data is used for state reports and reports printed by gender.
This field is required.
- Click or tab to the YOG (Year of
Graduation) field and type this student's year of graduation from High
School. For Elementary and Middle Schools it is recommended
that you do
not use the student's year of graduation from your school.
This will cause problems if you transfer data to another school using
our software.
- At the end of the row, hit Tab or Enter. Web2school checks for missing data, and the row displays green when all fields are valid. A message will display if data is missing. Enter any missing data and click OK.
If you have entered multiple students, you will return to the Student Search window.
If you have only entered one student, the program brings up the Student Information Window allowing you to enter additional data.
- If all students will have the same calendar and entry date, you may assign those all at once. Click the box Add Entry Date for All New Students. You may also choose to assign calendars and entry dates later using Tools/Global.
- Click in the calendar field and select the calendar to assign the students to.
- Select the entry date for this group of students.
- If your state requires, enter an Entry Code and Residency Code.
- Click Add Student(s) to save these student into your database.
********* The next steps apply if you only entered one student. *******
- Click in the Suffix field
and type the student's suffix (limit 6 characters). This field is
used for data such as, Jr., or III, IV.
- Click on the Homeroom field
and type the appropriate Homeroom number or name (up to 10 characters).
Note: You can leave the Homeroom field blank and later assign
homerooms globally using the Assign Homerooms window.
- The student's basic information has now been entered. The remainder
of the student information is entered on the Tabbed windows in the
bottom half of the screen. To continue adding information for this
student, click on the General Tab to select it. (See step-by-step
instructions for the General
- Click on the Categories Tab and enter category information. (See step-by-step instructions for the Category Tab.)
- Make a note of the student's system-assigned ID number in order to assign him a calendar and entry date. You will not be able to enter attendance for students that do not have a calendar and entry date. See step-by-step instructions for assigning a calendar and entry date.
- You may continue entering information under the tabs, and to save this student, click
on OK to return to the
Student Search window.