Student Information - Health Tab

The Student Information Window contains all of a student’s academic, demographic, and medical history in a single location. When accessed from the Health Desk, the Health Information for that student displays, though all of the other tabs, such as Discipline, are available to users with permission to view them. Health Information, Immunizations, Screenings, Health Office Visits, and Daily Care/Meds, Physicians, Health Notes, and Medical Alerts are accessible from both within the Student Information window and directly from the Health Desk. Each will be documented in the following sections of the Health Desk menu.

The View Text Button under the Health tab will display the student’s health record. Print by selecting File -> Print.

NOTE: Gym Excuse and Permissions to Call Doctor, Provide Treatment, Call Ambulance are only available from within the Student Information window.

Permissions to Call Doctor, Ambulance, and Provide Treatment

The nurse may indicate permissions that have been provided by a parent or guardian regarding administering treatment in the event of an emergency. You may also use this area to indicate that all health data is current. Click the appropriate box(es). You may run a report on all those students whose health data is not current.

You may print the Student Health Record in its entirety or select only sections to print.

Physician Information





Health Office Visits

Chronic Conditions

Daily Care/Medication

Gym Excuse

Medical Alert