Student Information - Discipline Tab

This Tab is displayed on the bottom half of the Student Information Window. It allows you to view, add, modify and delete student disciplinary incidents. For each incident you can add suspension/detention information and/or demerits. For each suspension or detention you can indicate days or hours of suspension/detention. Days and or hours served can be tracked by going to the Suspensions\Detentions window. Demerits can be removed by going to the Update Demerits window. Discipline data can also be entered by going to Administration-Discipline-Infractions.


Add Discipline Incident - Student Window

Add Discipline Incident - Infractions Window

Modify Discipline Incident - Student Window

Modify Discipline Incident - Infractions Window

Delete Discipline Incident - Student Window

Delete Discipline Incident - Infractions Window

Student Discipline Tab - Field Definitions