- To add infractions from the Student
Window: Click on the Administration
Menu and select Students
to display the Student Search Window.
- Search for a student and click the Modify
button at the top of the window to display the Student Information Window.
- Click on the Discipline Tab
to select it and view this student's disciplinary record for the
current year.
- Click the Add button to
display the Add Discipline Incident window.
- To add infractions from the
Administration Menu: Click on the Administration
Menu and select Discipline.
From the Discipline menu select Infraction.
- Click the Add button on the Infraction
window to display the Add
Discipline Incident window.
- Click in the Date field and
enter the date the incident occurred in the form mm/dd/yyyy or click
on the button to the right of the field and select the appropriate date.
- Click in the Time field and
select the time the incident occurred.
- Click in the Place field and
select the place the incident occurred.
- Click the Add button at the
bottom of the Infraction section. Put a check mark next to each
infraction that applies and click OK.
Note: If you select multiple infractions each infraction is stored as
a separate record. However, each record will have the same incident
number allowing you to see which infractions occured during the same incident.
Note: If you select multiple infractions you will not be able to add Suspension/Detentions,
Weapons or Victims. You can add those later by saving this record.
Each infraction is stored as as separate record on the student
window. This allows you to select one, click modify and then add the
Suspension, Weapon or Victim data to that particular infraction.
Student Tab
- Click the Add button. On the
search window search for the appropriate student(s). Put a check mark
into the box next to the name of each student for whom you would like
to record this incident.
- To enter Student Notes click
on the appropriate student on the left. Then click the Edit
button in the Student Notes section. Type the notes into the
text box displayed (limit 250 characters) and click OK.
Teacher Tab
- Click on the Teacher Tab to
select it.
- Click in the Primary Teacher
field and select the Faculty member involved. This field displays a
list of anyone in the Personnel database that has a check mark in the
Faculty box.
- Click in the Teacher Action
field and select the action taken by the teacher. Action Taken items
are created under Setup-Discipline.
- To enter additional teachers:
Click the Add button next to
the Associated Teachers
field. On the search window click Get
List. Put a check mark next to the name of each teacher to be
associated with this incident and click OK.
Admin Tab
- Click on the Admin Tab to
select it.
- Click in the Primary Admin
field and select the Administrator
involved. This field displays a list of anyone in the Personnel
database that has a check mark in the Administrator box.
- Click in the Admin Action
field and select the action taken by the administrator. Action Taken
items are created under Setup-Discipline.
- To enter additional administrators: Click
the Add button next to the
Associated Admin box. Click Get List
on the search window. Put a check mark next to the name of each
administrator that should be associated with this incident.
- The Pending field allows a
teacher or administrator to partially enter an incident and the
return to it by searching for all Pending incidents. Pending is
marked with a check mark. Remove the check mark when data entry is complete.
Victims Tab
- If you choose to track victims, click on the Victims
Tab to select it.
- Click the Add button to
display a search window. In the select option field select Student,
Guardian, Teacher or Administrator and click Get
- Put a check mark next to the name of each Victim and click OK.
Suspension/Detention Tab
- Click on the Suspension/Detention Tab
to select it.
- Click in the Type field and
select a type of Suspension or Detention.
- Select whether the suspension/detention will be served in Days
or Hours.
- If you selected Days: Click
in the # Of Days field and
indicate the total number days the student should be either suspended
or detained.
- Click the Select Dates
button. A list of days from the first day of school to the last is
displayed. Select the dates on which the suspension/detention should
be served and click OK. If
you put 4 days in # of Days, be sure to select 4 dates from the list.
- Click on Attendance-Abbr and select the attendance category you want to apply.
- If you selected Hours: Click
the Add button under Hours
Information. Select a date and the number of hours/minutes to be
served and click OK.
Weapons Tab
- Click on the Weapons Tab to
select it.
- If any weapons were used in this infraction you can enter that
information here. Click the Add button
to display a list of weapons. Put a check mark next to each weapon
that should be included in this infraction and click OK.
Infraction Notes Tab
- Click on the Infraction Notes
tab to select it.
- Click in the Notes field to
record any additional information about this incident. This notes
field is unlimited in size and will be associated with each student
on the student tab and each infraction listed in the infraction section.
- To record a reason for the infraction, click in the Motivation
field and select an item from the list. Reasons are defined by the
user and may include things like Bullying, Anger, Sibling Issues, etc.
- The Demerits field allows
you to give demerits as needed for infractions. If this incident
contains multiple infractions the student will receive the demerits
for each infraction. If this incident is associated with multiple
students, each student will receive the demerits.
- If you would like to indicate that the incident has been closed and
requires no further action, click the Closed
box to mark it with a check mark.
- To send a letter based on this incident, click the Export
To CSV check box. When the incident is saved, the program
creates a csv file in the web2school\desktop folder on your computer
called StudentDiscipline.csv. This file can then be used as a data
source for a standard letter using Microsoft Word's Mail Merge Tool.
- Click Save to save the incident and close the Add Discipline Incident window. Click Save and Notify if you wish to notify the administrator that you have entered a new discipline incident. You may also add a note with additional information for the administrator.