Modify Discipline Incident - Infraction Window

  1. Click on the Administration Menu and select Discipline. From the Discipline Menu select Infraction to display the Infraction Search Window.
  2. To search for a previously entered infraction/incident, you must use the appropriate date range. Click on the Start Date field and enter the first date of the range or click the button to the right of the field and select the date from a calendar.
  3. Click in the End Date field and enter the last date of the range.
  4. The Field option allows you to search for discipline records by: All, Name, System ID, Infraction, Instance, Time, Place, Admin, Teacher, Pending, Closed, Motivation, or Admin Action. If you choose an option other than All you must enter additional information in the Value field.
  5. The Order By option lets you control the sort order of the records to be displayed. Records can be sorted by: Student, Date, Instance, Infraction, Time, Place, Pending, or Closed.
  6. Click Get List to display the list of infractions based on your search criteria.
  7. Click on the incident to be modified.
  8. Click the Modify button to display the Modify Discipline Incident window.
  9. If you are modifying suspensions/detentions, you cannot remove a day if that day is marked as served.
  10. Edit the appropriate fields and click OK to save your changes.
  11. Note: You will not be able to enter suspension/detention information for a student who has not been assigned a calendar. Calendars determine the days in the school year. See Update Entry Dates.

See Also

Infraction Information Window

Add Discipline Incident

Delete Discipline Incident - Student Window

Delete Discipline Incident - Infraction Window