- Click on the Administration
menu and select Students to
display the Student Search Window.
- In the Field: field click
on the arrow to display the
list of search items. Click on the data by which you would like to
select students.
- If you search by Name, type
a name or portion of a name in the Value
field and click Get List to
display the appropriate students.
Note: Names should be entered last name only.
Note: If you type just Doe, you get all students whose last name
is Doe or whose last name starts with Doe.
Note: If you leave the Value field blank you get all active
students in the database.
- If you select ID (System,
State or District ID) type the appropriate ID and click Get
List to display the student.
- If you select Homeroom, type
the appropriate Homeroom name or number in the Value
field. Click Get List to
display the list of students in that Homeroom.
- If you search by Year of Graduation
(YOG), type the appropriate Year of Graduation (all four digits) in
the Value field. Click Get
List to display the list of students in that YOG.
- If you search by Inactive,
leave the Value field blank
and click Get List to
display all Inactive students.
- If you search by Guardian Name,
type the guardian's last name in the value field and click Get
List to display all students assoicated with a guardian with
that last name. Needless to say, if the name is common you could have
a long list of students.
- Click the Show Categories button if you have configured sub-categories to have specific colors under Setup -> Categories -> Descriptive Categories. Students assigned to those categories will display with the colored box to the right of their name.
- Sort the list of students by
clicking on the appropriate column heading. For example, to sort by
ID, click on the ID column heading and students are organized numerically.
- You can further filter the displayed list of students using Filter By Field. Select the field you would like to further filter by: Name, System ID, Year of Graduation, Homeroom, District or School ID. Then enter a string of characters in the Contains: field. Only those students with data that matches the string in that data field will continue to display in the list. For example, if you filter by the Name field, and enter the letters ‘ju’, students Judy Smith and Keith Justice would remain in your list.
- Once the appropriate list of students is displayed, double-click on a
student to bring up his/her Student Information window. You can also
select a student and click Modify
to bring up the Student Information Window.
- If you are editing a large group of students, you can close the
Student Information Window and select a new student to edit from the
list in the Search Window. You can open multiple Student Information
windows. (Up to 10 windows total including the Search window).
- You can add new students by clicking the Add
menu without doing a search.
- You can delete students by clicking on a student name to select it
and then clicking on Delete
at the top of the window.
Note: It is recommended that you go to the Student Information window
for that student and make him/her inactive rather than delete the
student's record.
Note: Inactive students are not displayed unless their ID number is
specifically selected or Inactive is selected in the Search By field or the Include Inactive Students box is checked.