Edit Grade Book Progress Report - By Student

This window allows you to enter Term averages, up to two comments from your comment list and one free form comment per student during the middle of a term. This data is then exported to the main system allowing school administrators to compile Progress Reports for each student in the school. This window displays all progress report information for the entire year for a single student.

If you are using Daily Grades and allowing the program to continuously calculate a student's term average, you can copy those averages to Progress Reports. If you are not using those features, you must type in an average for each student. If you enter a numerical average, the program determines the equivalent letter value using the Grade Ranges information. If you enter a letter, the program determines the mid-range number for that letter using the Grade Ranges information.

Comments are entered using comment numbers. The main system has a master comment database for Progress Reports. Using the numbers from that list, you would enter one or two comments per student. Free form comments are entered by clicking on the Notes button and typing any text you need.

In addition to the location described below, this window can be accessed from Administration - Grade Book - Edit Progress Reports- By Student.


See Also

Edit Grade Book Progress Report By Course

Edit Averages And Exams - By Course

Edit Averages And Exams - By Student