Grade Book Assignments are used by teachers who wish to enter grades for daily assignments such as homework, projects, class participation, etc. This section of the program is optional. You can chose to just enter Term, Semester and Final grades (see Edit Averages and Exams).
To use this feature, you must set up at least one Assignment Type (i.e. homework) and then create assignments within that type (i.e. Chapter 1 problems). Assignment Types associated with a term and are given a weight to indicate how much of the term grade they represent. Assignments are given a point value, such as 100 or 25. If you prefer to use a total point system, create only one assignment type with a weight of 100 and put all of your assignments for the term there.
Assignments may be added from the Assignments button directly on the Teacher Desk, or within the Daily Grades window using the Assignments button.
NOTE: Assignments and Assignment Types are sorted alphabetically. In order to control how they are sorted, you may wish to begin each name with a number, such as 01 Homework (use 2 digit numbers). You may use up to 100 characters.
See Also