Attendance Codes

This window allows you to associate existing descriptive categories, state descriptive categories, user defined fields or state user defined fields with entry and withdrawal dates. As students enter and withdraw, sub-categories can be assigned to indicate reasons for entry and withdrawal. Each one of those sub-categories will be linked to a date. For example, depending on your state you may designate all students who are there on the first day of school as Original Entry. Students who come in later may be tagged as a transfer in. Students who leave may be tagged as a transfer out. Most states have a series of codes for entries, withdrawals and residency.

When the link between a category and an attendance code has been established on this window, students can be assigned to those codes either on the Attendance Tab of the student information window or using Tools-Global-Attendance-Attendance Codes.


See Also

Entry And Withdrawal Codes

Mass Update Attendance Codes

Student Information - Attendance Tab