In this part of the program you can add, delete, or modify daily attendance categories used in reporting student attendance. web2school is distributed with 4 base categories: Present, Absent, Tardy and Dismissed. These categories should not be modified. They are used in aggregated reports and are required.
Students in web2school are Present by default. For students who are not Present you must go to either the Detailed Daily Attendance window or the Quick Daily Attendance window and change their attendance category. Each student can have only one attendance category per day. However, you can create combination categories, such as Tardy/Dismissed. Many schools also opt to create Detention and Suspension categories.
These Daily Attendance categories are also used for Personnel Attendance and can be used for Class or Period by Period Attendance.
Note: If you change the value of an attendance category, that change does not update attendance records for students who have previously been assigned that category. Only future attendance records will use the new value. To change previous values go to Tools-Global-Attendance-Update Daily Attendance.