Student Attendance Tab - Field Definitions

Student Information - Attendance Tab

Field Definition

Current Status

Displays the student's attendance category for today based on the computer's system date.


Indicates the calendar to which the student has been assigned. To assign students to a calendar you must go to Tools-Global-Entry Dates.

Entry Date

First date that the student should be counted for attendance. The date must be considered a school day in the school year's calendar. For most of your students this will be the first day of school. First entry dates can be assigned globally using the Tools-Global-Entry Dates option. Subsequent entry dates for returning students should be entered on the Student Information window - Attendance Tab.

Entry Code

Code associated with the selected entry date. Indicates the type of entry. This field is not required and may not apply in certain states.

Residency Code

Code associated with the selected entry date. This field is used by schools that service multiple towns. It allows the user to track the number of days a student was resident in a particular town for tuition billing purposes. This field is not required and may not apply in certain states.

Additional Codes

Depending on the state you may have additional Entry and Withdrawal Codes.

Withdrawal Date

First day for which a student would not be counted for attendance. For example, if a student leaves your school during the year, his withdrawal date would be the first day that he did not come to school. If this student was in school on January 15th and was not in school on January 16th, then his withdrawal date would be January 16th.

Students may have multiple entry and withdrawal dates. These dates must be days that exist in the school calendar.

Withdrawal Code

Code associated with the selected Withdrawal date. Indicates the reason for withdrawal. This field is not required and may not apply in certain states.

Enrolled In School

Indicates the first day the student was enrolled in your building.

Enrolled In District

Indicates the first day the student was ever enrolled in the district.

View Attendance

Displays this student's attendance for the year from the first day of school through the current date.

View Class Cuts

Displays class absences for the current school year.

See Also

View Student Daily Attendance

View Student Class Cuts

Student Information - Attendance Tab