- Click on the Administration Menu
and select Students to
display the Student Search Window.
- Search for a student and
click the Modify button at
the top of the window to display the Student
Information Window.
- Click on the Guardian Tab to
select it.
- Once the Guardian Tab has
been displayed, click on the Add
button at the top of the Tab to display the Guardian Information window.
- Click in the Title field and
type the guardian's title as it should appear on reports (limit 10 characters).
- Click in the First Name
field and type the guardian's first name (limit 20 characters). This
field is required.
- Click in the Last Name field
and type the guardian's last name (limit 20 characters). This field
is required. Note: The name can be listed as Mr. And Mrs.
John Smith or Mr. John and Sally Smith. Do not use an ampersand
(&) character. This can cause problems with some of the state
export programs.
- Click in the E-mail field
and type the guardian's e-mail address (limit 254 characters).
- Go to the Physical Address
section and click in the Street
field. Type the guardian's street address (limit 20 characters).
- Click in the City field and
type the guardian's city (limit 20 characters).
- Click in the State field and
type the 2 character abbreviation for the state.
- Click in the Zip field and
type the appropriate Zip code (limit 10 characters).
- Click in the Country field
and type the appropriate country. This field is optional, but has
been included in case your school has students whose parents reside
in another country (limit 20 characters).
- Go to the Mailing Address section.
- If the Mailing Address is the same as the Physical Address, click in
the Same As Physical Address
check box to mark it with a check mark. The Physical Address is
immediately copied into the Mailing Address fields.
- If the Mailing Address is different than the Physical Address, type
the appropriate address in the Mailing
Address fields.
- In the Telephone Numbers
section you can add multiple Telephone Numbers for each guardian.
Click Add Number. In the window that is displayed type a location
name (i.e. home, work, cell phone), a telephone number and an
extension if needed. Click on OK
to add the number. If you wish to change the order of the phone numbers, click on the number you would like to appear first, then click the Up button.
Note: If you have the automatic telephone calling system, the first
telephone number for the Primary Guardian is used.
- The Notes field is optional.
Use this field to store any additional information about this
guardian (limit 254 characters).
- If this guardian has permission to pick up the student at school,
click on the Permission To Pick-up Student
check box to mark it with a check mark.
- Once you have filled in all of the guardian fields, click on OK
to save the guardian in the database and add the him/her to the
student's record.
- When you have finished entering guardians, you can move on to another
Tab on the Student Information window or click OK
to exit and save your changes.