This Tab is displayed on the bottom half of the Course Information Window. It contains a list of courses that must be completed before the displayed course can be taken. Pre-Requisites are taken into account when individual student course requests are entered in the Scheduling System. As course requests are entered the program checks the transcript file and the current year's schedule to see if the student has taken the required pre-requisites. If he has not, a message is displayed. Administrators can override the message and add the request. Students who are users cannot. The program does not check grades to see if the student passed the pre-requistes.
In addition, when the program is building the master schedule and assigning students to classes it checks pre-requistes to make sure the student gets his classes in the correct order. For example, if a student requests Spanish 1 and Spanish 2, the program will make sure to assign Spanish 1 in Semester 1 and Spanish 2 in Semester 2.
This tab allows you to create groups of pre-requisites. Groups are used to allow alternatives to some prerequisites. For example, in order to take Shakespeare a student may be required to have taken any two of four English classes and any two of four History classes. By creating groups, you do not have to specify exactly which classes must be taken. In Group 1 you could enter 210 American History, 211 Western Civ, 213 Geography, and 214 British History. Then indicate that any 2 of these are valid. In Group 2 you could enter 110 English 10, 204 Intro to American Lit, 115 English 11 and 120 Creative Writing. Then indicate that any 2 of these are valid.
See Also