Guardian Window - Field Definitions

Field Definition

Guardian Name

Contains the selected guardian's name. Can be listed as Mr. And Mrs. John Smith or Mr. John and Sally Smith. Do not use an ampersand (&) character. This can cause problems with some of the state export programs.

Email Address

Guardian e-mail address. This field is available for export but is not contained in any reports.

Permission To Pick Up

Indicates whether or not this guardian has permission to pick up students from school.

Physical Address

Guardian physical address is sometimes required for state reports.

Same As Physical Address

Clicking this check box copies the physical address information into the mailing address fields.

Mailing Address

This address is used on most reports particularly those that might be mailed such as report cards or student schedules.

Telephone Numbers

There is no limit to the number of telephone numbers that can be stored. Each number must have a location name (i.e. Home, Mom Work, Cell). The first phone number is the one used in our reports. The Up and Down buttons can be used to re-order the numbers.

Linked Students

List of students in the database linked to this guardian.


Free form notes for any additional information you need to store.

See Also


Guardian Search

Add A Guardian

Add A Guardian Via The Guardian Search Window

Modify A Guardian

Modify A Guardian Via The Guardian Search Window