Within web2school every guardian is stored in a guardian database. As students are added either a new guardian can be entered or you can link them to a guardian that you already have in the database. For example, Mr. John Smith may have 3 children in your school. You can enter John Smith and then tell the program who his 3 children are. When an address or telephone number changes for John Smith, those changes are reflected on each of the children.
Each student in the web2school program must be linked to at least one guardian. This guardian is considered the primary guardian and his/her information is used on report cards, transcripts, student schedules and many other reports. Over and above this primary guardian each student can have as many additional guardians as necessary.
Guardians can be added to the database two ways. The first is to add guardians using the Student Information window on the Guardian Tab. The second is to go to the Administration Menu, select Guardian and then click Add on the Guardian Search window.
Guardian Window - Field Definitions
Add A Guardian From The Student Window
Add An Existing Guardian To A Student
Modify A Guardian From The Student Window
Add A Guardian From The Guardian Search Window