- Click Administration -> Health Desk. Enter any Search criteria for the student or group of students, and click Get List to display a list of students.
- Click once on the student name, then click Nurse Office Visits to display the Office Visit Information window for that student.
- Any visits that were entered for this student using this window or entered directly into the Nurse’s Log for this student will display.
- Click the Add button to display the Add Office Visit Information window. The student ID and name will display
- Click Administration -> Health Desk -> Nurse’s Log Office Visits. When prompted for the type of visit, click Student. Enter the student name or ID, or click Get List and select the student name from the Result field.
- The current date and time will display in the appropriate fields. To change date, click in the Date field and enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format or click on the three-dot button to select the date from the calendar displayed. To change Time, click in the Time field and simply type over the displayed time.
- Click the Nurse field to see a drop-down list of administrators that you may select. This is a required field. If the nurse is not listed in the drop-down list, they must be added using Administration -> Personnel..
- Click on Select Place field to see a drop-down list of places where the student may have been injured or sent from. If the option needed is not listed, select Add More. Enter the new place. When you click OK, that Place will be automatically added to the Health Setup so that it is available for future entries for all students.
- Click on Select Reason field to see a drop-down list of reasons the student may have been sent to the nurse’s office. If the option needed is not listed, select Add More. Enter the new reason. When you click OK, that Reason will be automatically added to the Health Setup so that it is available for future entries for all students..
- Click on Select Action field to see a drop-down list of actions the nurse may take to treat the student. If the option needed is not listed, select Add More. Enter the new action. When you click OK, that Action will be automatically added to the Health Setup so that it is available for future entries for all students.
- Click the Teacher field to see a drop-down list of teachers you may select that may have sent the student to the health office. This is not a required field. If the teacher is not listed, they must be added using Administration -> Personnel.
- Enter the Time the student left the nurse’s office in the Time Out field.
- Click in the Notes field and
enter any additional information you would like to record (no character limit).
- If your system is configured to automatically send a letter to the guardian, click the Send
To Automatic Letter button. When the visit is saved, the
program creates a text file in the web2school\desktop\wgs\reports folder on your
computer called OfficeVisitInfor.txt. This file can then be used as a
data source for a standard letter using Microsoft Word's Mail Merge Tool.
- Click OK to add the modifications to the student’s information or you may Cancel your edits.
- Click the View Text button to display the visits in a text editor and either print the information or save it to a file.
- You may click on Next Student or Previous Student to modify other student Nurse Office Visit information or click the Close button to exit the window.