Delete Daily Visit

Note: We advise using great caution in deleting previously entered health office visit information.

  1. Click Administration -> Health Desk. Enter any Search criteria for the student or group of students, and click Get List to display a list of students.Click on the Health Menu and select Nurse's Log of Daily Visits.
  2. Click once on the student name, then click Nurse Office Visits to display the Office Visit Information window for that student..
  3. Any visits that were entered for this student using this window or entered directly into the Nurse’s Log for this student will display.
  4. Click on the visit you wish you delete.
  5. Click the Delete button.
  6. You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete. Click Yes or No.
  7. Click the View Text button to display the visits in a text editor and either print the information or save it to a file.
  8. You may click on Next Student or Previous Student to modify other student Nurse Office Visit information or click the Close button to exit the window.

See Also

Nurse's Log Of Daily Visits

Add Daily Visit

Modify Daily Visit

View Health Office Visits