Add Course Requests
Course requests may be added for a single student.
- Click on the AdministrationMenu
and select Schedule Builder.
- From the Schedule Builder Menu
select Student Course Request.
- The Student Course Request Search
window is displayed. This window allows you to select the student for
whom you wish to enter requests.
- In the Search By section
click on the drop down arrow and select your search method: Name,
System ID, Year of Graduation, Homeroom, District ID, State ID, or
Inactive. If you picked Name you can either enter the student's last
name or you can leave the field blank to get all students in the
database. If you picked any other option you must enter data into the
Value field (i.e. Year of Graduation 2012).
- Once the appropriate student(s) is displayed, double-click on the
student name or click the Student
Course Requests button to open the request window.
- When the request window is open you can either type in the course
numbers pressing Enter after each one or you can select course
numbers from a list clicking the right arrow after each one. As
courses are selected, the list of requests is built on the right side.
- To Type Course Numbers:
Click on Type Course Number &
Enter. Type one course number and press Enter
on your keyboard, type the next course number and press Enter
on your keyboard. As courses are added the numbers are displayed in
the list on the right.
- To Select Course Numbers:
Click on Select Courses. Click on a Course number in the the list
displayed and click the right arrow on the screen to move the course
to the list of requests. Continue adding until all requests have been entered.
- To Lock A Course Request:
Select the course in the list of requests on the right side. The padlock button under the list will indicate that the course is unlocked. Click on the toggle button to lock the course.
Administrators can unlock a request, students who log in and enter
their own requests cannot unlock a request. If you do not allow
students to log into your system to enter requests, you do not need
to lock requests.
- To Remove a Course Request:
Select the course in the list of requests on the right side. Click
the left arrow in the middle of the window.
- To quickly print requests for this student, click View
Text and then select File-Print.
- Click OK at the bottom of
the Request window to save this students requests.
See Also
Course Requests
Block Modify Course Requests
Delete Course Requests