Delete Course Requests


  1. Click on the AdministrationMenu and select Schedule Builder.
  2. From the Schedule Builder Menu select Student Course Request.
  3. The Student Course Request Search window is displayed. This window allows you to select the student for whom you wish to enter requests.
  4. In the Search By section click on the drop down arrow and select your search method: Name, System ID, Year of Graduation, Homeroom, District ID, State ID, or Inactive. If you picked Name you can either enter the student's last name or you can leave the field blank to get all students in the database. If you picked any other option you must enter data into the Value field (i.e. Year of Graduation 2012).
  5. Once the appropriate student(s) is displayed, double-click on the student name or click the Student Course Requests button to open the request window.
  6. Click on the Course to be deleted in the Current Requests column to select it.
  7. Click the left arrow button in the middle of the screen to remove the request. If the request was locked, you will get a message telling you to unlock the request. Click on the padlock icon to remove the lock.
  8. Click OK to save.

See Also

Student Course Requests

Add Course Requests

Block Modify Course Requests