Edit Daily Grades - By Course

This window allows you to enter grades for daily assignments. Initial setup of Assignment Types and Assignments is done under the Assignments button on the Teacher Desk. Additional assignments can be added on the Daily Grades window by clicking the Assignments button.

Daily Grades are used by the system to calculate a term average. The term average is then stored under Averages & Exams, and is also displayed next to the student's name on this window. That average can later be transferred to Report Cards. Using Daily Grades is optional. If you prefer to enter your term averages, go to Averages & Exams and type an average for each student.

Note: Automatic Calculations are only activated if the person who made the grade book turned them on when creating grade books. If they were not turned on at that time, you must go to each student under Edit Averages & Exams and turn on their calculations.

Note: Assignment Types/Assignments that have associated daily grades cannot be deleted. You must remove the daily grades from the student records first.

Note: If you have not created any assignments for the selected term, the roster of students for this class will not display.

Students who are Inactive will display in Italic. Students who are no longer enrolled in this course on the master school schedule will display in Bold.


See Also

Edit Daily Grades Single Student

Edit Grade Book

Term Average Details

View Assignments For A Student