- Click on the AdministrationMenu
and select Students to
display the Student Search Window.
- Search for a
student and click the Modify
button at the top of the window to display the Student
Information Window.
- Click on the Transcript Tab
to select it.
- In the Course section of the
Transcript Tab, click the Add
button. The Add Transcript Course Information window is displayed.
- Click in the Year field and
select the school year during which the student took this course.
This is used to determine the order in which courses are printed on
the transcript and the grade level the student was in when the course
was taken.
- Click in the Course Number
field and type the course number for this course.
- Click in the Course Name
field and type the name of this course.
- Click in the Section field
and enter a section number for this course from 1 to 99. This field
is required. If you do not know the section number just enter a 1.
This is used to differentiate between different instances of the same course.
- Click in the Department
field and select the appropriate Department.
- Click in the Type field and
select the type of Course (i.e. transfer, summer school, vocational,
correspondence or adult ed.).
- If you would like to store an Exam grade for this course, click in
the Exam field and type the
student's score.
In the Grade Information section you enter grade and credit
information. If your school awards credit based on Final Grades you
only enter one grade/credit. If your school awards credit based on
Semester grades, you enter two grades/credits. If you are a semester
based school and the course only met one semester, just enter one grade/credit.
- Click in the Grade Name
field and type the grade received in this course. Press the Tab key
to move to the next field. The grade value is automatically entered
based on the information in Grade Definitions.
Note: Only grades that exist in the Grade
Definitions window can be used in this field.
- In the Credit Attempted
field enter the credit value of the course even if the student failed.
Note: If the student received a P, S, WD or other grade that is not
normally included in GPA, credit attempted should be 0 and Include In
Calculations should not be checked. The student can still earn credit
for the course if entered in the Credit Earned field.
- Click in the Credit Earned
field and enter the credit the student earned for this course. If the
student failed, you can enter a 0.
- If you award credit based on semester grades, repeat the previous two
steps for the second semester grades.
- Click in the Track field and
select the track for this course. Tracks are used when calculating
GPA's/QPA's. They weight grades more or less heavily depending on the
difficulty of the course. If your school does not use weighting, just
select 1.
- State Course Number, State
Course Name, and State
Department are optional fields. Some states mandate a course
numbering/naming convention that may not match what your school uses.
You can enter the mandated information here. When printing the
transcript you have the option of printing State Course information
for all courses.
- If this course should be included in GPA/QPA
calculations, check the Include in Calculations
check box.
- Click Add to add the course
to the transcript. Changes to the Transcript are saved immediately.
- The Add Transcript Course
window remains open to allow you to continue adding courses. After
you have clicked the Add button for the last course. Click Close
to return to the Student Transcript window.