Add Personnel

  1. Click on the AdministrationMenu and select Personnel to display the Personnel Search Window.
  2. Click the Add button at the top of the window to display the Personnel Information Window.
  3. The System ID field will be blank when you are adding a new person. System IDs are generated by the program and cannot be changed. If you need to select the System ID go to Tools-Global-Personnel-Add Personnel by ID.
  4. Click in the Title field and type this person's title (i.e. Mr. , Mrs.).
  5. Click in the First Name field and type the person's first name. Type the name as you would like it to appear on reports. First names will print on report cards and schedules.
  6. Click in the Middle Name field and type the person's middle name or initial. Type the name as you would like it to appear on reports.
  7. Click in the Last Name field and type the person's last name. Type the name as you would like it to appear on reports. This field is required.
  8. If this person is currently employed at your school click the Active check box to mark it with a check mark. If this field is not marked, personnel will not be included in reports.
  9. The person's basic information has now been entered. The remainder of the personnel information is entered on the tabbed windows in the bottom half of the screen. To continue adding information for this person, click on the General Tab to select it. (See step-by-step instructions for the General Tab).
  10. If this person is to be a user on the web2school system, you must mark them as either Faculty or Administrator or both. If you do not select one or both of these options, you will not be able to assign this person a user name and password later.
  11. If attendance for this person will be tracked, they must be assigned a calendar and entry date. (See step-by-step instructions for the Attendance Tab.)
  12. To save this person without entering additional information, click on OK to return to the Search window.

See Also

Personnel - General Tab

Personnel -Address Tab

Personnel - Attendance Tab

Personnel - Schedule Tab

Personnel - Homeroom Tab