- Click on the AdministrationMenu
and select Personnel to
display the Personnel Search Window.
- Either Search for a person
and click the Modify button
or click the Add button at
the top of the window to display the Personnel
Information Window.
- If you are modifying an existing person, the ID, and Name fields
should be completed. If you are adding a new employee, be sure to
complete the top half of the window before entering data in the Tabs.
(See Add Personnel.)
- Click on the General Tab to
select it.
- If this person is a teacher, click in the Faculty
check box to mark it with a check mark.
- If this person is an administrator, click in the Administrator
check box to mark it with a check mark.
Note: A person in the Personnel database can be both Faculty and
Administrator or neither one.
Note: If this person will be using web2school, he/she must be either
Faculty or Administrator. You cannot create a password for a person
that is neither.
- Click in the Job Title field
and type the appropriate title for this person (i.e. Administrative
Assistant, Associate Teacher).
- Click on the drop-down arrow in the Department
field and select a department for this person. If this person is not
a teacher, select <None>.
- Click in the Certification Type
field and enter any special certification this person has.
- Click in the Certification Date
field and type the date this person was certified in the form mm/dd/yyyy.
- Click in the District Entry
field and type the date the person began working for your school
district in the form mm/dd/yyyy.
- Click in the Building Entry
field and type the date this person began working in your school in
the form mm/dd/yyyy.
- Click in the Social Security Number
field and type the appropriate number.
- Click in the Date of Birth
field and type the appropriate date in the form mm/dd/yyyy.
- Click on the drop-down arrow in the Gender
field and select either M or F.
- If you would like to store additional data about this person you can
use the Note fields. Click
in a blank field, type the data needed and press Enter.
- When you have finished entering information in the General
Tab, you can move on to another Tab and continue entering
information or click on OK
to close the window and save your changes.