- Click on the AdministrationMenu
and select Personnel to
display the Personnel Search Window.
- Either Search for a person
and click the Modify button
or click the Add button at
the top of the window to display the Personnel
Information Window.
- If you are modifying an existing person, the ID, and Name fields
should be completed. If you are adding a new employee, be sure to
complete the top half of the window before entering data in the Tabs.
(See Add Personnel.)
- Click on the Homeroom Tab to
select it. If a homeroom is already associated with this teacher and students have been assigned to it, the list of students in that homeroom will display.
- To associate a homeroom with this teacher, click the Set Homerooms button and click on the Homeroom(s) to be associated with this teacher.
Note: If this person is not a teacher or does not have a homeroom,
this field should be left blank.
- Click the View Text, then File/Print button to print the list of students.
- When you have finished with the Homeroom Tab, you can move on to
another Tab or click OK to
exit and save your changes.