Teacher Desk

The Teacher Desk provides teachers with access to grade books, daily grades, assignments, rosters, term averages, seating arrangements, attendance, course configuration, and reports in one convenient location. Each teacher will be able to see only those courses in their own Grade Book. Administrators will be able to see all teachers and their respective courses. Study hall class attendance may also be taken from the teacher desk.

Teachers will login directly to the Teacher Desk if they have a grade book. If a teacher also has an elementary grade book and permission to view elementary grades, the Elementary button will display on the Teacher Desk. This enables the teacher to move easily to the Elementary Grade Book portion of the program.

Field Definition


Displays the logged in teacher’s name and ID number. Users logged in as administrators must choose the appropriate teacher.

View All Class Rosters

Displays all class rosters contained in the Scheduling program for the selected teacher. This button is gray if you do not have Scheduling. Courses/students added directly to the Grade Book are not included in this report. This may be printed by clicking File, then Print.

Courses Taught

Displays the list of courses taught by the selected teacher.
Display Grade Book Course or Study Hall The user may click beside the type of course to display. This is useful for taking study hall class attendance.


This number comes from the Course Catalog which is configured under Administration-Courses.


Sections are used to create unique instances of a course that is taught to multiple groups of students. For example, if a teacher teaches Algebra 310 twice a day, the section number allows the teacher to distinguish between the two classes.

Course Name

This name comes from the Course Catalog. If a name has been changed in the Course Catalog, the system administrator must run the Update Demographics tool on the Tools Menu to update the course name in the grade book.

Terms Taught

Indicates the terms during which the selected course meets. This is crucial when sending data from the grade book to Report Cards and Progress Reports because it tells the program when to send which grades. For example, if a course meets Terms 1 & 2, when Term 2 grades are sent to the Report Cards the program must send the Final Grade also because the class is finished. If a course meets Terms 3 & 4, when Term 2 grades are sent to the Report Cards the program must know not to send any information about that class because it hasn’t happened yet.


Displays an external reference page, or web site, that students can refer to regarding this course. The link is added to the course using the Modify button on this window.
Set Display Order Allows you to change the order in which courses display on the Teacher Desk.


Adds a course to the Grade Book. The course must exist in the course catalog. Modifies the selected course. Only Term and Link may be modified.
Modify Modifies the selected course. Only Term and Link may be modified. Opens the Grade Ranges window for the selected course. Grade Ranges can be modified for each course individuall
Delete Deletes the selected course. All student grades associated will be lost.
Grade Ranges Opens the Grade Ranges window for the selected course. Grade Ranges can be modified for each course individually.
Calculations Opens the Calculations window for the selected course. Calculations can be modified for each course individually. Changes to calculations do not affect existing semester and final grades unless the recalculate button at the bottom of the window is clicked. Recalculate must be clicked for each course individually.
Rosters Opens the Roster window for the selected course. The current roster is displayed and you can add or delete students from the roster using this window.
Color Config Opens the Color Configuration Window for the selected course. This window allows you to define custom background colors with specific meaning to assign to daily grades.
Assignments Opens the Assignments window for the selected course. This window allows you to create or edit Assignment Types and Assignments.
Daily Grades Opens the Edit Daily Grades window for the selected course. You must set up assignments to be able to enter data in this window.
Averages & Exams Opens the Edit Averages & Exams by Course window for the selected course. From inside this window, you can go to Daily Grades or Progress Reports.
Progress Reports Opens the Edit Progress Report by Course window for the selected course. From inside this window. you can go to Term Averages & Exams or Daily Grades.
Seating Info Opens the Seating Information window. This allows you to create a seating chart for each class. You can also take class attendance from this window.
Class Attendance Opens the View/Modify Class Attendance window for the selected course.
Daily Attendance Opens the View/Modify Attendance window for daily attendance.
Recalculate Recalculates Term, Semester and Final Grade for the selected course based on the information contained in the Calculations window.

Takes you directly to Grade Book Reports in the Configure and Print Reports window.

Add Infraction Opens the Add Discipline Incident Window for entering disciplinary issues.